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Energy saving


5flor 17

   ООО The Termik Group participated in the development of the state program for heat and energy conservation in the construction and reconstruction of housing facilities, as well as in the development of legislation and regulatory documents in the field of energy conservation. LLC "Termik Group" prepared and issued "Recommendations for the design, construction and operation of hinged ventilated facades" (Scientific and Technical Council of the State Construction Committee of Ukraine Protocol No. 4 of 10.04.1996).

   The program for the reconstruction of residential buildings began in Ukraine with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Energy Saving" dated July 1, 1994 and a comprehensive state energy saving program approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 5, 1997 No. 148, as well as new energy saving standards of the State Committee for Urban Development of Ukraine & shy; in accordance with the instruction of the President of Ukraine dated February 18, 1997 No. 1-14 / 840 p.15 and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated May 14, 1998 No. 820 "On measures for the reconstruction of residential buildings of the first mass series." commission & nbsp; to resolve issues of reconstruction.

   This radically influenced the nature of housing construction and caused the need to improve the architectural and technical characteristics of residential buildings, methods of their construction, as well as the implementation of a set of organizational, methodological and technical measures aimed at reducing energy consumption in housing construction.

    The residential sector is one of the largest consumers of energy, and solving energy conservation problems will significantly optimize the consumption of primary fuel in the country.

   For 50 years in European countries, continuous work has been carried out to save energy in the housing and communal services sector. This problem is one of the main directions of increasing the efficiency of the economy and has been raised to the rank of state policy. There, a special sub-branch of the construction industry has developed for the production of elements of building insulation, as well as special divisions that carry out this work.

   Thermal energy entering the heating system is lost primarily through walls, coverings, windows and doors. Heat losses through walls make up 42-49% of the total heat losses, through windows - 32-35%, basements and attic floors - 18%, through entrance doors - 5-8%.

   The goal of this Program is to improve the performance of residential buildings, as a result of which it will be possible to live in them for another 50 years. In addition, due to the superstructure of attics, the living area increases by 12-15%, energy consumption will decrease by 25-30% due to the insulation of the enclosing structures, modernization & nbsp; engineering systems and the installation of apartment meters, the urban areas required for new construction are reduced by 7% due to the rehabilitation of the engineering infrastructure

   Kharkiv was designated as the base center for the development of methods of reconstruction and thermal modernization of large-panel 5-storey residential buildings on the basis of the recommendations set out in the state Program.

   One of the first "pilot" projects for the implementation of the Program is the reconstruction of a 5-storey residential building at 21 Marshal Zhukov Ave. in Kharkov (which is 4963 m2 of living space), which was fully carried out by our company in 1999.

   The reconstruction was carried out without resettling the residents. The external insulation and cladding of the residential building were made using the technology of hinged ventilated facades, which significantly improved the thermal conditions of the apartments and the external appearance of the building and ensured significant energy savings.

   Already at the beginning of the reconstruction of the first residential building, it was possible to apply up to 85.7% of the materials made in Ukraine, and at the moment the task is & nbsp; fully master local materials and designs.

   The working project provides for the addition of an attic floor with space for 12 luxury apartments with a total area of 1160.5 m2, of which:

  • one-room apartments - 2 / total area of the apartment 73 m2 /,
  • two-room apartments - 2 / total area of the apartment 82 m2 / ,
  • three-room apartments - 8 / the total area of the apartment is from 86 m2 to 116 m2 /,
  • extension of loggias of the first floor, vestibules of entrances, separate entrances to the technical underground, electrical panel & shy; out, metering units, external insulation and cladding of facades, glazing of balconies and loggias, installation of double-glazed windows, window blocks, reconstruction of internal and external engineering systems for a residential building.

     As a result of the reconstruction and energetic restoration of a five-story large-panel residential building, the heat transfer resistance --th of the enclosing structures was:

  • walls - 2.8 m2 °C/W / increase by 3 times /;

  •attic floor - 2.7 m ° C / W / increase by 2.3 times /;

  • windows - 0.55 m2 ° C / W / increase by 1.4 times /, which more than meets the requirements of the State Construction Committee of Ukraine for energy saving .

   The consumption of energy resources by a residential building before reconstruction and energy restoration was 3783 MWh per year. The consumption of energy resources by a residential building after reconstruction and energy restoration is 2080 MWh per year and, accordingly, energy savings are 1703 MWh per year (approximately 45%).

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