• +38 (095) 178-05-42
  • mtm.engineering18@gmail.com
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    проектирование, девелопмент, дизайн
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    разработка программ по обезвреживанию ТБО, сбор и переработка отходов производства
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    Производственные линии "под ключ"

    Комплексная поставка производственных линий
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    Агропромышленный комплекс

    Применение интенсивных технологий выращивания зерновых культур
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    Благотворительная и общественная деятельность

The MTM-System group of companies has been operating since 1991 in the markets of the CIS, Europe, China, the Middle East, using trade marks in its activities:
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    Construction, development, engineering and design

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    Energy saving

    Our company is a developer of design documentation for the reconstruction of a residential five-storey building of the 60-70s.
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    Ecology: development of programs for the neutralization of solid waste, collection and processing of production waste

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    Complex supply of turnkey equipment production lines

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Our team

The entire staff of the company consists of highly qualified specialists who are well aware of their tasks and who are able to flawlessly perform their work.
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Tkachenko Anatoly Alexandrovich

Nikonenko Evgeny Vasilievich 

 Vasilenko Ivan Andreevich


Tatiana Nikolaevna


Elena Ivanovna 

 Chairman of the Board of Directors

Head of the architectural workshop

 Chief Engineer

Main architector  

Deputy Director for Economics 

 Corresponding member of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine, laureate of the Prize of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine named after M.S. Budnikova Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of architecture, Honored Architect of Ukraine        

Our partners

Our group of companies has concluded exclusive dealer agreements
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